Thursday 30 August 2012

And I haven't got over the hurdle yet...

After feeling particularly upbeat about my trainer purchase and my running partner's assitance, he had to go and have a birthday, which equalled copious amounts of food and limited movements. Actually he had 5 birthday cakes (6 if you count the one he bought himself), a mexican meal and some tequila!

4 of the 5 were giant size snacks and I'll give you a hint, they are all the ones with chocolate on. Full marks if you can guess them all....

The odd one out is the gluten-free victoria sponge, slightly selfishly made by me to ensure I could partake in some cake. I didn't really need to worry about that because my gluten-free needs were taken care of by my running partner's amazing housemates who had also booked a table at Boho Mexica (Highly recommend it, its on Commercial Street  and checked I could eat something on the menu, saving me that awkward moment of being the fussy one in the restaurant.

Needless to say after a hearty mexican, tequila (1800 Anejo to be exact), wine, some cider and some cake, the trainers seemed like a distant memory, almost a dream. However, I have two things that will spur me on: the paralympics next week, where amazing atheletes are competing and here I am whinging about putting my trainers on and running in them and my holiday in just over a week, not that I have left much time to get a bikini body! On second thoughts maybe the trainers will have to come with me. If they follow me around everywhere, I have no choice but to wear them!

So I will not be defeated, although I have failed at the first hurdle, I will be in the trainers and running before the week is out. Thats a promise! I've put it on here so I have to keep to it as I can't let you all down.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

So it begins...

The weekend was pretty momentous as I willingly purchased my first pair of trainers! Now I have had trainers before but these had always been bought by my parents in the hope that it might encourage me to didn't!

Only this year has my phobia and hatred of any type of exercise started to dissipate, mainly due to the volume of snacks on offer at work and my limited movements during the day, causing some rather unwanted wobbly bits and guilt over how active everyone around me seems to be!

The weight is a consideration because one day I will wake up and those wobbly bits would have multiplied and it will be too late as my phobia of exercise and gyms would prevent me from doing anything  about it. So I'm starting now...taking baby steps and am lucky enough to have a running partner who will help encourage me to exercise.

So I'll leave you with a picture of my brand new shiny trainers:

Saturday 25 August 2012

It may look like my blog has been started on a whim of restlessness but its more of a long held project that has only now come into fruition. In many ways I've been writing my own personal blog for as long as I can remember, taking time to jot things down and using writing as my own personal release. The thing is I don't want the things I write about to be shrouded in mystery anymore because I figure if you take the time to write something then why not share it, maybe it will catch someones eye and strike a chord, maybe it won't but at least its out there for someone to make a choice on.

So what I found today in a moment of clarity was that I am restless, restless because I want to do so much more. I want to explore new places, meet new people and be more adventurous than I am but something always stops me and  that something is fear. So today in front of you all I'm making a resolution, albeit 8 months late, to do so much more.

I don't know how its going to go but it will require some staying power, something I don't always have. I will keep you posted on the latest developments. In the meantime, I will share this with you:

Dormancy re-awoken.