Thursday 30 August 2012

And I haven't got over the hurdle yet...

After feeling particularly upbeat about my trainer purchase and my running partner's assitance, he had to go and have a birthday, which equalled copious amounts of food and limited movements. Actually he had 5 birthday cakes (6 if you count the one he bought himself), a mexican meal and some tequila!

4 of the 5 were giant size snacks and I'll give you a hint, they are all the ones with chocolate on. Full marks if you can guess them all....

The odd one out is the gluten-free victoria sponge, slightly selfishly made by me to ensure I could partake in some cake. I didn't really need to worry about that because my gluten-free needs were taken care of by my running partner's amazing housemates who had also booked a table at Boho Mexica (Highly recommend it, its on Commercial Street  and checked I could eat something on the menu, saving me that awkward moment of being the fussy one in the restaurant.

Needless to say after a hearty mexican, tequila (1800 Anejo to be exact), wine, some cider and some cake, the trainers seemed like a distant memory, almost a dream. However, I have two things that will spur me on: the paralympics next week, where amazing atheletes are competing and here I am whinging about putting my trainers on and running in them and my holiday in just over a week, not that I have left much time to get a bikini body! On second thoughts maybe the trainers will have to come with me. If they follow me around everywhere, I have no choice but to wear them!

So I will not be defeated, although I have failed at the first hurdle, I will be in the trainers and running before the week is out. Thats a promise! I've put it on here so I have to keep to it as I can't let you all down.

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