Sunday 11 November 2012

Getting Serious

I started my blog as a way to keep my passion for writing alive but the more I have written on my blog the more I have realised that if I'm going to continue I need to get serious. I started thinking about my passions in life and how they connect to my blog so the first big one is food.

Its probably no surprise by now that most of my blogs are food related in some way because its something that has always interested me. From 5 years old, I was baking cakes, with assistance I hasten to add (for those of you who are visioning a health and safety disaster). The single biggest reason for this is of course the g-word, yes I mean gluten-free. When I was younger there was no free from range so I had to learn from an early age what I could and could not eat. Trust me there have been numerous occasions over the years of people who don't understand the concept of gluten-free convincing me as a small child that I could eat sausage rolls! Thankfully I had those early lessons from my Mum that prevented any serious disasters.

It got me thinking though, those early lessons have left a fascination and a passion for food. Just last night, my boyfriend and I made a stichelton, spinach and thyme tart with gluten-free walnut pastry and it was delicious. It also wasn't simple. The gluten-free pastry was hard to work when refrigerated it became brittle but we persevered and managed to create something delicious. It bucked the trend of gluten-free food being less than palatable.

So I guess you are all wondering the point of this blog, well when I first started out I said it would be eclectic and lots of differing things but from now on food will form a main focus. That's not to say you won't get the odd bit of my eclectic personality.

I also decided if I am to get serious I need to start making my blog consistent, no dipping in and out when I feel like it so I am going to start by trying to do 3 posts a week. The other thing about getting serious with my blog means starting to properly follow other bloggers and start commenting on their blogs. I love writing for whoever reads my blog but I also want to open up a conversation with other people with similar interests.

As I promised this would have a main focus on food, I will leave you with a picture of the soup I've got cooking. Jamie Oliver's sweet potato and chorizo, a uni favourite and one of my personal favourites:

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