Sunday 16 September 2012

I'm back

First things first, I must apologise for not writing since my paralmypic adventure but I have a good reason as I have been away in Tuscany and have only just got back. It also means that this post will have a flavour of Italy running through it.

My first step on Italian soil saw us being ushered onto a bus for a 2 second bus journey. It was the most ridiculous journey ever but I suppose in Britain we are quite organised and have solutions. For example, we were waiting for a train, watching copious amounts of people crossing live tracks and there was an announcement telling us that one of the trains was an hour delayed. As much as us Brits love to complain about the transport system, you have to admit that on a whole its pretty good. The other transport we took was a bus, now in most countries you buy a ticket for where you are going but not in Italy; in Italy you buy a ticket for how many kilometres you are travelling!

All that being said, there are a number of things that the Italians do extremely well like Gelato and also gluten-free cones. Now to most people a gluten-free cone doesn't sound that exciting but picture yourself at a tender young age having your first Flake 99,' well in many ways that memory you had probably a decade or longer ago I had just last week. It wasn't just the novelty of having an ice cream in a cone but the fact my ice cream cost the same as my travel companions. There was no extra charge just because it was gluten-free so that got my vote.

After dinner, my travel companion and I would often take a walk up and down the Arno river and stop off on for a glass of wine or an ice cream and it made me realise how little we use what we have around us. The Italian transport system is a reflection of their laid back approach to life and that extends to their evenings so I have decided that I am going to try and be more Italian and use my evenings to go out for walks and see the world in a different light.

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